Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day Three

Amazingly, I am up this morning and feeling fine. Still no vomiting, although I did get a little queasy late last night and realized that I didn't take my Zofran (anti-nausea and vomiting med). So I popped a pill, and then took the other one that supposed to make me sleep okay. So when I woke up this morning, I took my Emend Day 3 pill on time today. So we'll see how I do. I think I need a 12 hour timer, because I am not good at taking pills on a schedule. I'm more of an ad hoc type of gal, but I can't take that chance because everything is going so well.

I am taking my MonaVie M(mun) every day, about 6 oz per day. And it is making a difference for sure. A slice of toast and OJ was breakfast.

Thanks for stopping by.

Grace and Peace
~ Tish ~


  1. Teri -- Tish's MomApril 8, 2010 at 11:48 AM

    I spent the night last night. She seemed to have slept very well. It was great to wake up and see my grandaughter off to school this morning. Tish seem to be doing fine this morning, still handling things from the bedroom, telling the kids what to do and hearing each and everything going on down stairs. She's too much. I will be making her some power green juice from the juicer for a afternoon pick up with green apples, carrots, and ginger.

  2. Hey Tish, Looks like you are in great hands with Mom there with you. I am so thankful you have this blog so I can keep in touch with whats happening and I can leave you a message anytime day or night. The Tarver's love you and are praying your strength in God daily. bye for now.

  3. Thanks Mommy for being here for me and the children. They love their Nana dearly. The juice was very tasty, and I'm feeling good. Arreka, we appreciate your prayers. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

    Love to all of you who are posting, it really lifts my spirits!!

  4. You are an inspiration LaTishia & I admire your incredible strength!

    I know that God WILL carry you through each day & I trust Him to guide your steps to being cancer free! His hand is in it all!

    Love and miss you much!


  5. My wonderful mother made us a turkey meatloaf last night for dinner with brown rice and steamed brocoli. I just had it for lunch today ~ and boy was it tasty!!

    Gerri and Mario stopped by yesterday and today we are just relaxing and enjoying this great weather. I'm feeling good today.

  6. No fair. I like meatloaf! But I'm very glad to hear your are feeling good. The Lord has given you so much strength and you are definetly a strength to me. I miss you much!

  7. Hello Angel, this whole blog thing is new to me. I have no idea what I'm doing. This is God's way of telling me to move with the times. U know I love u even though we have never met face to face. 2 love your mom is to love u. God's got this whole situation. God says,"U will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. God's will is not our will. Luv u Hanan

  8. Tish: I am so proud of you and I am happy to hear that you have not experienced much in side effects. You are an inspiration with all of your positive energy and humor - no matter what. We can't wait to see you and the family soon! Love you

    Valla and Johnny and Jeremiah

  9. Veronica and EthanApril 11, 2010 at 2:18 PM

    Hey Cousin, glad to read and hear that all is going well. You are in our daily prayers. Know that I love you and am always here. Each day yields another blessing...we are blessed! We Love YOU!
