Thursday, September 22, 2011

Officially Over... to a certain degree


For the first time in months, I'm inspired to write. I guess that is because I'm in a good place. Not to say that I wasn't before because you all know that I was on the mend, back to work and then of course the big move. But even in the midst of all of those adventures - we did the cross country trip twice - I just didn't have the desire to get on and shout it off from the roof tops about how much fun we were having, or how my body was feeling post chemo and surgery, or how gracious I am for the friends, co-workers, family and even strangers who I met along the way.

Perhaps I just didn't think anyone was still interested in reading about my trials - but then over the past two weeks or so, I have learned of at least three other women that are in someway connected to me through a mutual friend, a family member or neighbors mother who is currently dealing with breast cancer. It is almost like I don't want to say the word anymore.

I'm a Survivor! I kicked cancers BUTT - but am I the norm? I'm learning through talking to others that not everyone is accepting of the facts before them. Some women are in denial - others angry at the world. Mad at God. But me on the other hand, I just accepted this as another stop along my journey in life. As the old saints say, "this too shall pass!"  And it did. Just that. It passed.

I am reminded though of my decision to have my breast completely removed each time I look in the mirror. However, I had new ones made - amazing still - and I don't feel any less of a woman. I realize that alot of what we deal with is psychological and I guess I'm one of the lucky sane ones who don't let the imperfections of life make me crazy. 

It is time to encourage again. To stand tall and sing from the depths of my soul, the song of Rejoice and Remarkableness (I just made that up) - God is so good to those who love Him in spirit and in truth and I can honestly say, that my peace and my joy is rooted in His goodness.

If you don't have that personal relationship with God - you are truly missing out on the marvels and wonders that come from knowing Him for yourself. Not what your mother or pastor has told you, but really being able to have that special connection that is just as informal as going to the park with your kids. That simple!

Life is grand right now. I truly am grateful for my friends and co-workers who blessed me tremendously. My loving parents who support me. My awesome children who are both getting smarter by the minute, and the best husband a woman could ask for.

I start with a new Oncologist on Monday. I have over four years left to take the Tamoxifen and once that is over I'm done with Cancer. I asked my doctor was I in remission and she provided me with the best possible answer I could receive (gotta love her). She said no you are NOT IN REMISSION. You are CANCER FREE! Remission means there is a possibility or likelihood that it [cancer] will return. Your cancer is all out of your body!

Hallelujah! I'm cancer Free! One of my besties bought me a shirt last year for my birthday that said "This Survivor Kicked Cancer's Butt" - I don't know if she really understood the impact that saying would have on my life.

I'm forever grateful to her - and to all of you who have loved and supported me on this journey...

Peace and Blessings!

@IamMsTish - twitter