Sunday, April 11, 2010

My First Weekend

Thank you to all of my wonderful family members (Mom, Hubby, Cousins) and my awesome circle of friends for all of the phone calls, prayers and most importantly your posts. It truly blesses me to know that I have so many shoulders to cry and lean on.

I opted to stay in today and didn't attend church. With the weather changing, I wanted to protect myself from catching any type of bug. Because of the chemotherapy I must ensure that my immune system stays in tact. One of the very noticeable changes is my sense of smell. Everything is sooooooo potent!!!

Again, no real other side effects other than constipation from all of the meds (I know TMI) but ya'll want to know so I'm giving it to you raw and uncut! Anyway... Metamucil is my new best friend... I just have to remember to drink it. So again, lifestyle changes that will make this journey that much more bearable.

This week is my OFF week, so I'm thinking that I will be able to cut back on the anti-nauseau meds a bit to give my kidney and liver a break. MonaVie M(mun) is the ticket!! I have some fresh carrot juice still to replace meals, and the ginger really helps settle my stomach...

When the Praises Go Up, the Blessings Come Down! Sending up the praise report!

Grace and Peace ~ Tish


  1. Faith is believing that someone or something will be worthwhile in our life.The problem with the world is not that people lack faith their faith is misplaced.A lot of people put their faith in things and not in God.Things and people can be unreliable.For faith to work & last,it must be placed in God because He is the only unfailing place for our faith.He does what He has said.We can hold on 2 His promises.Nothing & nobody else but God is worthy of our complete trust.Have a blessed & wonderful day. Love U Hanan

  2. Hello Tish

    I'm walking by FAITH with you. As I go through my day I'll pray for you. I may be thousands of miles from you but I'm walking every step with you in prayer. Take a deep breath and feel my loving arms around you right now.

    Aunt Sandra
    St. Louis

  3. What is praise? Praise is thanking God for who and what He is. It means to value Him, to esteem Him. It means bragging on him: "God, You are good! There's no one as good as you!" Why should we praise God? Because it gets our focus off ourselves and onto God -- so we can talk to Him and not at him. That's why we need praise. Have a blessed and wonderful day. Love u Hanan

  4. God didn't love us at first sight, He loved us before we were born.He loved us before He created the world, before the beginning of time, God knew all about us.He has always known the kind of person we would b.He has known all of our weaknesses, and has loved us from then until now.God doesn't love us because we decided to love Him.Our love please Him,but He is not reciprocating our affection.God has always loved us and waited for our affection.Now that's a love story. God bless, love u Hanan
