Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Whoo Hoo ~ so far, so good!

My eyes popped open at 3:38 am. Not because I had to go to the bathroom - which by the way my nurse distinctly said to go at least two times in the middle of the night - which I ended up doing anyway. But I just woke up... the first thing I thought was am I feeling sick? Is there nausea and I need to throw up? What... then it hit me. My new affinity ~ time to Blog... of course.

Here I go. Found my long sleeve pajama top, which by the way is just another layer because I sleep in a tank top as I get so darn hot upstairs. In hopes that I don't wake the hubby, I opted for the desktop rather than turn on my laptop in bed. Which by now I'm sure he is wondering what the heck i'm doing up. So this will be short.

No sickness yet. The nurses, my chemo teacher, doctor were ALL right. Stay on top of your meds. Because once you begin to vomit it's all over. I put this big cup thingy next to the bed that I kept from my last surgery when I got really sick and worked over from the anesthesia, so I'm glad I could find it. Who really wants to be bent over the yucky toilet; this way I handle it bedside very neatly, and Lawrence dumps and rinse and brings the wet rag. Now that's teamwork!

I just wanted to give an update that I haven't gotten sick yet, no so called side-effects yet. Thank God. So i'm going to continue my Faith Walk right back to bed... because even though I get a free pass to lay in bed all day tomorrow. Most likely I won't.

Ohhh by the way my secret weapon so far when I did start to get a little queasy last night was Diamond Smokehouse Almonds : PLUG for the free adversement. Hmmm maybe I can get a little cha ching - by posting some ads. I'll get back to that. For now, it's a glass of H20 and back to bed.

Thank you Lord for the wonderful rest, and no sickness. My Faith Walk is off to a good start... Becoming a Breast Cancer Survivor isn't that bad after all. Get your mammograms ladies, and my brothers please encourage your wives, sisters, mothers and girlfriends to get theirs. I had my first at age 39, and what a lifesaver it was. Because I had the second one last December 28, 2009 (age 40) I am here now to give testimony. Who would of ever "thunk" it. Certainly not me!

Grace and Peace ~ Tish


  1. LaTishia,thanks for sharing your journey.

  2. Amiga Mia! So glad you're blogging so I can know how goes it. I'm THERE with you so soak up the good vibes and prayers. Let's both remember also that you are on your way to recovery, it's just that the path is the pits! Let's start thinking of what we can do to celebrate when this is all done: bungee jump? European vacation? 24-hr dessert marathon? Let's do it!

  3. Praying for you daily

  4. Hello

    Praying for you daily.'
    Thinkinfg of you daily.

    Aunt Sandra
    St. Louis

  5. I'm on this prayer walk with you.
    I pray for you daily.

    Love Aunt Sandra
    St. Louis
