Friday, May 14, 2010

C'mon Baby Lite My Fire....

Ha... you probably thought it was going to be some uber juicy post... NOT! Actually, that was the song on TV just seconds ago. It's a quarter til 2(am) and the American Masterpiece (late night TV) was doing a piece on The Doors and the hippie revolution. I was sitting here thinking about what to write about... because at this point I really didn't know. I knew I wanted to blog; but about what?  Thus the title.

So I read the comments from my Ice Cream post... Thank you!  Not too much to talk about. I had a great day today. Got out most of the day with Landon and just enjoyed some fresh air and the warm weather. Lauryn went on her first field trip Wednesday, and Landon and I joined her at Countryside Farms. It was such a nice day... I will post pictures here. My son fed the goats, he's such a big boy now (4) and Sissy and her classmates had a blast. It was a blessing to be feeling up to the day and going with her. I packed our lunches and had a picnic lunch with her class. Landon joined right in as if he's in her Kindergarten Class. They all know him and I from the days that I volunteer and take him with me. He's definitely ready for Pre-K in the fall.

Looking forward to the great weather this weekend; as there are a couple of festivals locally, and I want to enjoy before next Tuesday's chemo. After my treatment on 5-18, I will have 12 consecutive weeks of treatment. I'm told that this cocktail isn't as detrimental to my mind, body & moods as what I'm currently going through. I hope not because it's like a rollercoaster ride that keeps going. I'm up, then down, and loop-d-loop for a few days and then back down, and finally it ends for a while. And here we go again...

check out what my hair looks like... still not completely bald. A few straggly hairs hanging on... My girlfriend said it looks like a teddy bear. But I'm thinking more like a baby bird... Bawk Bawk!!!

Love and Hugs