Friday, April 23, 2010

The Book ~ The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Here is the correct information I posted about a few days ago. The book is definitely on my wish list.

When Henrietta Lacks was diagnosed with cancer in 1951, doctors took her cells and grew them in test tubes. Those cells led to breakthroughs in everything from Parkinson's to polio. But today, Henrietta is all but forgotten. In an excerpt from her book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot tells her story.

This woman's story is amazing, and one of the reasons I decided to participate in the clinical trials.

The Wrath of Chemo

Thursday was a bummer for me... My gosh. I was so tired, fatigued and on the verge of vomitting all day... Arrrgggg.  I couldn't pull myself up to do anything the entire day. I made it through the night with flashes of heat, then cold, and whatever other feeling that overcame me.

Today, I'm doing much better. Got a shower ~ it was long over due and noticed blotches on my face... not good. I saw my babygirl off to school today, she was happy about that. I was able to eat a half piece of toast, some juice and my MonaVie M(mun). I'm staying on top of the meds because I truly feel that if I begin to throw up I won't stop... that sensation is that powerful in my gut. So I'm doing everything I can to hold off on it... So far so good.

Keep praying for me and sending the good vibrations (Rosi) because it's obviously working...

~ Grace and Peace ~ LaTishia

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another Success

Lawrence just administered my Nuelesta shot. It pinched this time, but I got through it.

Mom is here with my children keeping them occupied and cared for. So today has been a very restufl day. I feel okay, but opted to stay in my jammies and just relax, getting up only to eat or relieve myself. The rain doesn't help either because you just want to sleep in when it rainy.

I'm feeling VERY blessed and loved on today... getting through chemo with minimal complications is truly a blessing and I'm so grateful to all of you who are leaving the kind words, and sending the notes and cards, flowers and gifts. It is pure Joy!!!

~ Love You All ~

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chemo Session No 2

Just getting home and settled down after a VERY long day.... Woke up this morning prayed up with my mind set for my second round of Chemotherapy. Mother stayed with us last night, as she was driving me over today and staying by my side.  My husband had to be at work at 3:00 am, so we said our goodbye's early. My babies were looking forward to spending the day with their Nanny ~ so I felt good about leaving.

The rain put somewhat of a damper on the drive, but by God's grace we arrived in time to get started. I decided to participate in a clinical trial that tests genes for how chemotherapy affects patients undergoing treatment. I have several questionnaires to complete over the course of my next 14 days... So we'll see. My thought is if  can help any other woman, man or child get better treatement for Cancer then I'm game... There is a story about the Black woman who's cancer cells were stored at Johns Hopkins and have been duplicated thousands of times for research... what a story. I'll post her name later, as I plan on getting the book.

So accessing my port today was VERY painful... for some reason the first nurse couldn't get the needle in. She poked me once... OUCH, pumped, no blood... Uh oh. She tried a longer needed, poked me twice... EXTRA OUCH because i was only iced and had not used my lidocaine(sp) to numb the area. So she called on nurse Heather to come and do it. She was busy... What tha?  I'm sitting over her poked twice and still not accessed for blood.

Heather freed herself up from other patients, found a long needle and got ready to access the port. It took about 20 minutes to locate the proper needle. Told ya'll i'm tougher than nails... they needed something special to work.

All while this is going on, my mother is squirming in her seat and about to just pass out flat on the floor. I'm cracking up, she doesn't understand how I could be taking this without jumping out my seat. But I told her, my attitude must remain positive so that I don't get to that point of weakness and it's all over... I'm done, I'm sick, I'm frail, I can't eat, I can't do things that I have to do... so I prayed that the next attempt  would be successful; took a DEEP BREATH and she pushed it in, strong, deep and to the metal backing... YES!!!! It worked the blood started flowing out.  Let the Chemo begin!

The good thing about the port is that once it's in for the blood draw -  I go downstairs to meet my doctor who reads the lab report to ensure that my levels are good and can withstand chemo. Levels were on point so I'm good to go!

We grabbed some lunch and went back upstairs @ 1:30 for my chemo. So far so good, the ride home was great, no rain and the traffic was minimal. I relaxed!

My dear friend prepared lasganga dinner for the family and it was great! I am so grateful ~ It is these types of precious moments in my life that remind me how Blessed I am and how many people really do care for me. For the past few months, my co-workers have been bringing a variety of meals over on Friday for dinner. I've even had Breakfast on a Saturday (Kids loved this) and other items that I can just pop in without having to cook from scratch. Now that's LOVE!

I'm getting fatigued which has been my main side-effect so  I need to wrap this up can come back tomorrow. So here is what I've experienced thus far; fatigue, shortness of breath (out of shape), discolored fingernails, and this Sunday I woke up with black spots on my tongue, and inner cheek... But no vomitting only slight naseau which I counteract with medication.

The pain from the port goes away once it's in... so that doesn't count.

Well my dear readers... thank you for stopping by. If you don't have your mammogram scheduled for 2010 please make the call. Don't put it off.  Next Chemo on 5/4.

Love and Miss you all ~ Grace and Peace
