Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Thoughts...

Often times when things happen in our lives, especially what the world calls "bad" things, human nature is to worry, to get angry, curse God or whoever else you may have a relationship with. As Christians and believers we learn to lean not on our own understanding, but to trust God and have faith.

When reading my word I was lead to the book of 1 Peter 4:12 where it states: Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But Rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his Glory is revealed. NIV - bold words were for by me.

In reading this, I was reminded of the saying do not grow weary in well-doing. For most of my life, and especially since becoming a wife and mother, I put for my best effort to live right, live well and be obedient to my life as a believer. Of course we all fall short in many ways.  But for the most part, I considered myself to be a good person, who treated people with love and respect. Never in a day would have expected the affliction of Breast Cancer. I know the mothers and sisters of friends, but not one person in my immediate family has had it. So cancer period just never crossed my mind. I know it affects nearly 1 in 8 women today, which is so very surprising to me, but I never thought that I would be that 1.

However... now that I am that 1 in 8, I consider myself to be Lucky. Almost like a choosen and highly favored person who will be able to go through this journey and share my feelings, both good and bad with anyone who wants to listen... My hope is to save another young woman's life through early detection.

In conclusion the rest of the chapter went basically like this, and I'm summarizing because I am far from a theologian... We have to continue to suffer according to God's word and will, remain faithful and do good.

Therefore my friends... my good deed.

Grace and Peace

1 comment:

  1. Four months later, and I STILL feel the same as I did when I created this particular post. I know that I am Blessed and Highly favored, and this Journey is all a part of God's Master Plan for my life.

    Grace and Peace ~ LaTishia
