Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Less than an hour for my 1st Chemo treatment

I woke up this morning at 6:00 a.m., of course with the assistance of my cell phone alarm. My initial instinct was to hit snooze and get a few more minutes. Lawrence was knocked out, and I decided to get right up and spend some quiet time in prayer. I located my long sleeve pajama top, reached for my glasses and headed to my quiet place.

As I was thinking what exactly I was praying for... the Holy Spirit imparted me with peace. I shared my concerns about today, my thoughts about what it would feel like... the toxic chemo running through my veins and just asked God to allow me to get through this day. Of course I asked for traveling grace and covered my babies in our absence and the usual... several family members who are afflicted right now and my husband.

We left at 10 minutes to 7am, and arrived at UCSF at 9:10. My appointment for labwork was NOT scheduled and after speaking to my physician, I didn't need it today. Hmmmm that mean another 30 minutes of sleep... Oh well. Here now and about to go upstairs and start my infusion.

Peace and Grace

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