Monday, April 5, 2010

On April 6, 2010 My Faith Walk takes on a new turn. My Journey with Chemotherapy begins. I will have my first treatment followed by an injection 24 hours later to allow my "good" cells to grow to replace those destroyed by chemo. WOW!

On January 7, 2010 I was diagnosed with Stage 2, Breast Cancer. After many tests, a Lumpectomy (1/29), a second re-incision surgery (2/23) to remove more tissue and insert a portocath, I am now ready for tough part.

Surprisingly, there are a few people in my close circle who are either dealing with chemotherapy for some sort of cancer, or "watching" their cancer to see if it will grow to the point of needing surgery and treatment. I honestly believe that those who have gone before me who I personally know, have made my acceptance of having cancer much easier.

Not once have I questioned God with a "Why me?"  But I know that my faith, the love of my husband and children, family and wonderful friends is truly what has kept me from that point. I cannot imagine going through any type of cancer or sickness alone.  My Lauryn said a special prayer for me tonight as I was tucking her in, without me even asking... NOW THAT'S GOD! Through the mouth of babes! It is those selfless and loving actions, that keep me strong.

This is my first entry and I promise to come back and post updates about everything as I go on. I will list exactly what type of cancer (as I didn't realize there are so many variable), what type of medications I'm taking and my progress.

1Peter 2:24 ~ By his stripes you have been healed.

Keeping the Faith...


1 comment:

  1. As you can see. I am awake early this morning. I couldn't sleep. I want to say that I believe in my heart and soul that this journey you will be going through will be the true test of all of our faith. Long before you were conceived by your parents you were conceived in the mind of God. It is not fate, nor chance, nor luck nor coincidence that you are breathing at this very moment. You are alive because God wanted to create you!
