Friday, April 16, 2010

My Earrings

Okay, it's been a week and I still cannot find my earrings... This is a bummer because the missing earrings were my every day silver hoops... I have the larger ones, but they seem to big for my VERY short hair... these were much smaller (got them at Target hint hint) and I wore them every single day (except when putting on my wig) and the larger ones look nice...

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo  ~ I am a little frustrated because they just disappeared or so I want to think [positive]. However, usually if I misplace something it comes up within a few days... but it's been since last Saturday when I took them off and couldn't find them. Survey says????

BTW ~ I'm wearing them in the photo. Say Cheese!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My First Weekend

Thank you to all of my wonderful family members (Mom, Hubby, Cousins) and my awesome circle of friends for all of the phone calls, prayers and most importantly your posts. It truly blesses me to know that I have so many shoulders to cry and lean on.

I opted to stay in today and didn't attend church. With the weather changing, I wanted to protect myself from catching any type of bug. Because of the chemotherapy I must ensure that my immune system stays in tact. One of the very noticeable changes is my sense of smell. Everything is sooooooo potent!!!

Again, no real other side effects other than constipation from all of the meds (I know TMI) but ya'll want to know so I'm giving it to you raw and uncut! Anyway... Metamucil is my new best friend... I just have to remember to drink it. So again, lifestyle changes that will make this journey that much more bearable.

This week is my OFF week, so I'm thinking that I will be able to cut back on the anti-nauseau meds a bit to give my kidney and liver a break. MonaVie M(mun) is the ticket!! I have some fresh carrot juice still to replace meals, and the ginger really helps settle my stomach...

When the Praises Go Up, the Blessings Come Down! Sending up the praise report!

Grace and Peace ~ Tish