Friday, April 23, 2010

The Wrath of Chemo

Thursday was a bummer for me... My gosh. I was so tired, fatigued and on the verge of vomitting all day... Arrrgggg.  I couldn't pull myself up to do anything the entire day. I made it through the night with flashes of heat, then cold, and whatever other feeling that overcame me.

Today, I'm doing much better. Got a shower ~ it was long over due and noticed blotches on my face... not good. I saw my babygirl off to school today, she was happy about that. I was able to eat a half piece of toast, some juice and my MonaVie M(mun). I'm staying on top of the meds because I truly feel that if I begin to throw up I won't stop... that sensation is that powerful in my gut. So I'm doing everything I can to hold off on it... So far so good.

Keep praying for me and sending the good vibrations (Rosi) because it's obviously working...

~ Grace and Peace ~ LaTishia


  1. Even when you're weak from nausea, or exhausted from the chemo...

    I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
    Philippians 4:13

    Ten Survival Tips for Chemo Therapy

    1. Drink, drink, drink ... plenty of water, tea, juice, etc. Even though you don't feel like drinking fluids, it will help with the nausea.

    2. Frozen treats such as juice pops, or ice pops are good to eat. This will help with your hydration and soothes mouth sores from the chemo.

    3. Soup is good to eat for hydration as well as nutrition.

    4. Eat several small meals during the day instead of two or three large meals. If you eat something and keep food in your stomach it will help with the acid that builds up from the chemo drugs. You will feel better if you eat!

    5. Eat fruit in the evening shortly before bedtime. This will help with the "chemo constipation." You don't want the added aggravationof constipation.

    6. Take daily trips to the doctor's office for fluids through an IV. These treatments will help you to relax and will ease the nausea as well as give you strength and an appetite. (It will also keep you out of the hospital.)

    7. Rest, rest, rest! You must listen to your body and rest. When a friend or family member tells you to call them if you need help, do it!

    8. Take time for yourself. Read that book you've been putting off, watch movies you haven't seen in a while, write letters or call your long, lost friends.

    9. Meditate on the positives in your life. Keep all negative thoughts and people away from you during this important time of healing.

    10. Keep in mind that the chemo is killing those cancer cells in your body. Your body is a battleground between the chemo and cancer.

    Sending MUCH, MUCH, love!!!!!!!

  2. Tawanda I LOVE you so much! Truly you are a very dear and special friend. I'm glad to call you my Sister, BFF and confidant... I wish you lived in California!!! I NEED YOU SO MUCH NOW...
