Friday, April 16, 2010

My Earrings

Okay, it's been a week and I still cannot find my earrings... This is a bummer because the missing earrings were my every day silver hoops... I have the larger ones, but they seem to big for my VERY short hair... these were much smaller (got them at Target hint hint) and I wore them every single day (except when putting on my wig) and the larger ones look nice...

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo  ~ I am a little frustrated because they just disappeared or so I want to think [positive]. However, usually if I misplace something it comes up within a few days... but it's been since last Saturday when I took them off and couldn't find them. Survey says????

BTW ~ I'm wearing them in the photo. Say Cheese!


  1. Survey says..think positive and the hubby will pick you up a new pair of earrings, although once you get the new ones the old pair will turn up. Has anyone told you about chemo brain yet? I used that excuse when I would forget where stuff was, but really I think I was just getting old :-0 Brettia,

  2. I just read about the missing ear rings. I remember finding my lost silver hoop about a week later, it was in my car. Have you checked your car yet? Anyway, that may be something if you don't find them to put on your wish list for Mother's Day. (smile). More than likely they will eventually show up when you least expect them too.

  3. Awwwww, Tish! I'm sorry to hear you cannot find your earrings. I know that feeling all too well! With all your dealing with, this is the last thing you should have to be concerned. I really hope they surface soon.

    Love you!!

  4. "St. Anthony, St. Anthony, help me look around; something has been losg and must be found." I received this from my dear Amiga Rosi from Health Plan where I work. It is supposed to help my earring surface so w'll se. I'll walk around the house and see what happens...

    Rosi sends the best cards, and they always make me laugh and put a smile on my face.

    Love You Rosi!
