Monday, April 26, 2010

The Journey Continues...

So in less than 24 hours I'll be hitting another year of God's Grace (Birthday)! I'll be 41 and I have so much to live for. This past week was rough, but I made it through. Sunday morning I woke up with the Blah's... and even shed a few tears. But I'm good. I'm thankful...

I'm thankful for my life first and foremost, and God's grace and mercy on me. I'm thankful for the handfull of TRUE BLUE girlfriends who I love, admire and adore... I just wish I had the opportunity to spend more "girl" time with them. But that is life... you grow up, you get married, you have children (not always in that order of course) and you just go with the flow of life. But somewhere along the way, I recall that email about keeping and letting your closest girls know how much you appreciate and love them. Because marriages/relationship fail, children grow up (and have thier own lives), parents grow old etc. But your BFF's are for life. So I'm thankful for all of my sista girls (and a few guys) who are in my life and I call friends. Of course I have the Absolute BEST co-workers (many who are also my friends/confidants and Angels in disquise) who I love and can count on. 

Of course my loving and caring husband and two beautiful angels are what keep me going; but it's that EXTRA we get and so much need from our gal pals that keeps us sane!!!

Feeling very mushy and need to take a nap before my keyboard explodes!!!


  1. The upside to having another birthday is so you can say "41 is glorious!!" (and justify muttering something obscene about how 40 treated you...) It appears you can't buy a break lately, but let's look forward to next year. Healing and Recovery: Coming soon to our dear Friend's location near you!!!
    ¡Feliz CumpleaƱo, Mi Amiga!

  2. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday Cancervivor,
    Happy Birthday to you!

    Your BIRTHDAY is so special!

    We're not counting YEARS...
    We're counting BLESSINGS!


  3. This is the day the Lord has made, we will be glad and rejoice in it.HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET P.God is good and He's still in the blessing business.No matter what we maybe going through,God is still in control of it all.No matter what,we have to worship the Lord with gladness.He will rescue us from every evil attack.He deserves all the praise and all the glory.We r His childen and there is nothing to big for Him. Love 2 the family. I will celebrate u today, it is your day. To know u is 2 love u and I love u. Hanan

  4. Happy B-day sista girl! Walk out those fantastic 40's with confident stamina and the sweat of victory because fifty is waiting for you with open arms! Many hugs and prayers of support, peace, comfort and strength are sent your way today. Love ya!

  5. Happy Birthday Tish, God will continue to bless you with many many more wonderful birthdays. Stay lifted in his spirit and he will lift your heart with joy!

    (Tawanda’s Sister from NJ)

  6. Happy Birthday, Tish. You are an inspiration to all women.

    Love, Alma

  7. Tish,

    I've always heard kind things about you from Tawanda, so I feel like I know you and WE'RE bff's! So what I would tell MY bff is to LIVE IT UP! And make sure your walk here on Earth always has purpose. After all, that's what God wanted and intended. We're all here for a reason. You're here on this Earth for 41 years and it's NOT by accident. You look wonderful (Are you SURE you're 41? *wink*) and I wish you a very HAPPY BORN-DAY! Hold your head high and make preparations to see 42!


  8. I'm one day late. Just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday. God is always watching and will continue blessing you with many more years to come.
    I've heard ur amazing story from Tawanda. Very inspirational and do keep going.


  9. Again... I am amazed! Tawanda you are UBER Fabulous ~ and such a special and dear friend/sister to me. Thanks for sharing my life with others, and bringing more people into to fold. I'm grateful ~ can't wait to see you and it was great talking to you today!

    Rosi ~ I hear you are paying me a visit... can't wait!

    I'm happy to be 41 and looking forward to many, many, many more!

  10. Happy Belated Birthday,
    Tish you are such an inspiration as you walk out this journey with the spiritual fortitude and mind sight of a true woman of God. You are a true illustration of a woman that glorifies the Lord in all her ways. I have been praying about your chemo and will continue to do so as I read your Chemo wrath update. This is only a season.
    Love Sherry

  11. Tish,
    Thanks for sending me the blog link. You know I"m technologically challenged, but I figured out how to navigate the site and read all about your journey and read the wonderful, encouraging, and powerful messages from your friends and family. It is evident that you have positively touched so many lives and continue daily to inspire and uplift. I just stopped by to let you know that I'm thinking about you and I am sending you some love and hugs. I hope you will get a good night's rest, in preparation for your chemo tomorrow. Love ya!

    Tish [the little, older, chocolate one :-)]
