Saturday, May 8, 2010

2 Words ~ "Ice Cream"

On the eve of a very celebrated and special day ~ Mother's Day; I have the blahs, the blues, the I don't have a bone in my body that wants to celebrate or maybe it's I don't want to be celebrated, fussed over etc. Don't get me wrong... I am grateful to be alive to see another Mother's Day and all that jazz. However, it's beyond that. I'm not myself. I don't have a desire to shower or brush my teeth, let alone get dressed and leave the house.  My FAITH is not waivering... it remains stronger than ever. But the human nature in me is experiencing that lackluster feeling of why bother. Food means nothing at this point, because my stomach stays in knots. Still no vomitting, thank goodness, but nothing tastes good. Well maybe except ice cream!

This week has been up and down since chemo on Tuesday. Mother stayed until Friday and got Lauryn to and from school, while making sure both she and Landon wanted for nothing. It's a blessing to know that my kids are loved and cared for and don't really feel any difference in their surroundings while i'm going through. I thank Mom for that, especially with the hubby's work schedule. 

Friday I pulled myself together, as company was coming over. Gerri dropped off a wonderful dinner with all of the trimmings from one of my co-workers, I even got a card and Tulips (one of my favs) for Mother's Day!  Shortly after one of my spirit filled, led by the Holy Ghost prayer warriors and her family stopped by to bring more food (stir fry veggies for me) and visit. The children played after dinner and we had a great time chatting and studying God's word. She is on a mission against the root and cause of cancer and why it manifests in some.  I will expound upon this later...

My sleep is always interrupted and seems that it has been almost daily since my children have been born. I look forward to the day when I am able to slumber hours without interruption from anything!!! One day... One day...  So a nap today was essential. I put my lovebugs down, started reading a book and then eventually went to sleep. My nap was going great... and then my phone rang! It was my dad calling to see if I watched the Susan G. Komen race for the cure in Sacramento. He had all of the stats etc. I told him, I was aware of it but had not watched... were you asleep? Uhhh yeahh I was. Oh well... we all know that once you have been awaken, most likely you will not be going back to sleep, as much as you would love to.  A few minutes later Lauryn walked in, got in bed with me and we snuggled. I was thinking Landon was on her heels, but he wasn't.

As we laid there a few moments exchanging smiles... I had an idea!! How would you like to go downstairs before Bubba wakes up and have some ice cream! Her face lit up... my tastebuds sparked a familiar taste and we pinkie promised that we wouldn't tell Bubba. So we quietly went to the kitchen (keeping a five year old quiet is a task in itself) and I scooped the remaining ice cream out of a couple containers we had into our ice cream bowls. Carmel topping - Check! I warmed it, reached for the nut topping, looked at babygirl... do you want nuts? Nope... good me either. So we had ice cream with carmel topping... Landon never came down (until like a few seconds ago at least 30 minutes after our secret mission), we both enjoyed, threw out the empty containers outside (no evidence) and guess what???

As a result of the ice cream I had a burst of energy to blog... and guess what else? I used a plastic spoon!

Grace and Peace ~ Happy Mother's Day



  1. Hi Tish, I know that you weren't your usual self when I dropped by yesterday. I was happy to see you up and moving around. I didn't get a chance to finish the laundry, but tomorrow when we have our day together I'll try and get some more necessary things done. Looking forward to our day together tomorrow and and a little R&R. Happy Mother's Day again. You're a great mother, daughter and wife. Love you.

  2. So maybe this wasn't the funnest Mother's Day you hever had, but next year will be another something to look forward to. Always looking forward -- always feeling the love, prayers and good vibes coming your way -- if you forget?...not to worry. Your Three Amigas are here to remind you. We may forget lots of other stuff (don't listen: pure rumors...) but we know what's important: and that's YOU! Love from Rosi, Penny and Nancy

  3. Dearest Tisha, you have such an amazing ability to put your thoughts and feelings into words. Blogging is a great outlet for you! I feel like I can hear your voice telling me your story as I am reading it. I am glad that you have something to express yourself, especially for someone that can put some words down girl!! I like knowing what's the latest with you and yours. You are a strong woman and will fight this with such determination and faith.
    You are in my thoughts often and always in my prayers, love from Vanessa (Miss Brynn just blew you a kiss!!)

  4. Hi Tish, I know I haven't sent you a message in a while. I praying that your days r better since Mother's Day. I'm in Michigan with my daughter until June 2nd. U r always in my heart and in my prayers. God bless, love u

