Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In Due Season

There is an old saying that "Time Heals all things." After pondering that idea for a few moments, I wondered if what they really meant is this... after a while, that little thing that was bugging you will no longer. So maybe it isn't really healed, but you just eventually got over it in time. You know, the season for moaning and groaning about something that you have no control over has arrived. You don't care anymore, it doesn't bother you, or maybe, just maybe it doesn't even matter.

For instance ~ the last time I blogged that darn "n" key was out of whack and all over the place. Well I was determined to write on my blog anyway and kept typing away using the crooked N key... and all of a sudden I heard a snap... like BAM!!! It just popped into place. And now, you would never know the N was all whacked out. I guess if I would have kept on harping on it... it would have continued to annoy the beejebeez out of me (not a bad thing, because the heebee jebeez drive me nuts).... but because I acted as if the problem didn't exist it somehow corrected itself.

I believe that life can be similar in some instances. The little (or major) things that annoy us sometimes can often be attributed to our own issues and not that of someone else. So when you decide, you know make up your mind, that you are no longer going to allow something or someone to have that negative effect/affect on your life... you take away it's power and then it no longer bothers you.

That N just snapped into place, because I acted as if the problem wasn't there... repeat line I know. But you see, just like with the numbness in my fingers and toes (especially my feet) from the Taxol chemo.... WOW you are talking some serious mind blowing feeling in your feet. But what I learned to do was ignore it as often as I could. When I stop and curl up my feet, or start massaging my hands & feet ~ the pain is there. However, when I'm going about my day and night, and have so much else to think about and channel my energy to - I don't think about my numbness. It almost dissipates... but then once I began to think... hmmm maybe it's starting to go away for good. The pain and tingling are right there! in my face (well not literally) but it's there, I feel it, and the pain connects with my brain again and I am now focused on it.

I thank God for my ability to channel my thoughts other places and on other things, because I truly believe this is what has kept me upbeat throughout this trial with cancer. It's a minor trial and some slight tribulation, but nothing I couldn't give to God and just let go of. I could have felt sorry for myself, and allowed every slightest pain and nausea cause me to go down and out... but I continued to think happy thoughts, sing happy songs, and just be happy. The flipside of going through this would be what???? Hello... if that isn't enough to rejoice and be glad about, I don't know what is.

Peace and Grace


  1. To my Philosopher Amiga: all so true -- the path you choose is all your choice, and that path DOES make a difference. You've chosen well! Well done !!

  2. Glad to see you're doing well

  3. Hi Tish,

    We love you and are praying for you! God is a miracle working God, He can do anything but fail! Keeping pressing!


  4. Many fervent prayer for you today Tish. At a time when one would think you need encouragement, you are actually providing encouragement to others by the way you operate in the joy, peace and strength of the Lord. Thank you for your example and I will continue to keep you lifted up in prayer. Sherry
