Thursday, August 26, 2010

My "n" Key is broke... But I have Great News!!!

Okay, so it has truly been a while since I have blogged. But I must admit. My N key is broken on this laptop (don't ask) so my typing takes much longer and I'm not sure I can really get "busy" knowing that my "n" is flipping all over the place.

With that said, I have great news! I had my last chemo on Tuesday, August 24. Taxol be gone!! And the following day, I went back to UCSF for a Radiation Oncology consultation. My Dr. was fabulous... She really rocked and I liked her style. I guess I should have asked for permission to use her name, so I won't name drop. I'll save that for the book. The news is I will not have to undergo radiation, based upon a few factors that weighed to my advantage (in this particular case). So what a relief that is. Not that I wasn't willing to go the full distance, it is just one less thing on my to do list. This n is driving me nuts, but I have so much to share.

So, after my consultation for Radiation, I met with my Surgical Team. The Surgeon performing the Mastectomy and the other for Reconstruction. Well those appointments went very well, and I even had them recorded by the Decision Medicine program that let's you formulate questions prior to your appointment so that you can have your questions answered by the doctor. Truth is, this such a blessing because who is really going to remember all of those questions in the midst of the appointment. So it's great, you get to do the questions days in advance, review and then have the doctor review during (if not prior) to the appointment.

The surgery is going to be a long and tedious one, but I am looking forward to the end results!!! Being a Breast Cancer Survivor and Thriver, with such a great testimony, of how God did not allow me to suffer and my Faith has been unwavering. It was decided between both surgeons that a third specialist would be in the mix, so I will have to go back for another consultation before surgery which will be the first week in October.

My BFF Abby met me at UCSF and we had a long overdue diner and girlfriend catch-up time. It was nice to not have to rush home in the midst of Giants traffic, so we hung out a while.
Shot out to my bosom buddies at Health Plan, you both have truly kept me grounded throughout this process. It really feels good to be back in the office to get your brain going, feeling the true spirit of camaraderie amongst co-workers and genuine friendships that I have developed over the years working there. Busy as heck, but I know I'm where I'm supposed to be at this juncture of my life.

I am so fortunate and blessed to have my family and friends who have all been so wonderful during this time of trial and tribulation. Truly, I am just looking forward to proceeding on the road of the rest of this journey... This Thanksgiving is going to be AWESOME... I have soooo much to be Thankful for!

God's Grace and Peace Be with you!


P.S. Thank goodness for spell check... Lots of misspelled words without an n... :)

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